lunes, 25 de julio de 2011

Spite of the problems, I enjoy it....

Here is cold, well, i should say TOO cold. I feel my skin like goose bumps, with those species of mini balls, that make you think that are pimples, and you pass your hand for your skin and it feels like your skin is rough, I hate that. I feel how the wind comes to me, and I give me chills. I feel sick, this is a boring day, it’s raining, I cannot go outside, the street is wet; I can hear the sound of the cars crossing the street and how the water splash. Fortunately the people inside the car are not wet, but if you think, there are people outside who are getting wet, people who have not houses, people who have not blankets or clothes or a jacket, it’s so sad. There are also animals getting wet, wishing being inside a house, or with a family or farm. 
There are many people who are on the streets, asking for food or selling things at the light to make money, they do not have a place to go there, they are alone while I can use all the blankets and jackets, or whatever I want.  There are people who are getting sick because of the rain and the cold. Also there are people in the warm parts of the country who are “taking a shower” and they are happy because they have WATER, they can drink it and they are happy for it. I wish that that sun rose. I love those sunny days in which some people are happy, but not a HOT sun, no, a warm sun, just like a spring day in which there are flowers growing, happy animals, happy people, trees making fruits, funny days, without a rainy day and a hot day.
 Actually, I like the sunny days in which I can go to the beach. I LOVE the beach! I love to go there with my family or friends. I love to feel the waves and they wet my feet; I love the sound when the waves hit the shore; I love when the sand gets between my toes, and fingers; I love to write or draw on the sand; I love to see the sunsets from the shore; I love those warm nights; I love the beach. the thing that I hate about beach is to sunburn and get red like a tomato but the worst is to flaking, I HATE that, you look like you are a snake or something with skin darker or skinner, and it looks like there are species of white things shedding from the skin. But in those sunny days I feel happy, is like in another world, a happy world, a funny world. I love when I play games in the beach I and see all my family smiling or happy. Oh, I forgot something, what do you think about those bonfires in the beach? God, it’s AMAZING, and you bring a package of marshmallows, and you put a stick inside the marshmallow, and you put it at the fire and when it is melted and hot you eat it! Yummy, I wish I could eat one right now! 
Okay, so talking about weathers I think the preferred is when you are in the snow. I love the snow, I love to lie down on the snow and make angels with your arms and legs or better, make a SNOW MAN! Make those big balls of snow and make that funny snow man with bottoms for the eyes, sticks for the arms and a carrot for the nose. I like also to make little balls of snow and throw it to my friend and make a now war, it is pretty funny. But it is boring how cold it is. It’s terrible when your fingers, legs or a part of your body become numb and you are like you cannot move your fingers, it is horrible. The worst part about the weathers is that when there is a change I get sick and I need to take medicines, and I hate it. But all the weathers have the good and the bad part, and spite of the illness and disconformity I always enjoy it.

lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

My "Parcera"

I am thinking about people, people who have been there for me, and I’d no called them. At school, every day I see my friends, and I love that feeling in the morning that says “yeih, I’m going to see my friends today” it’s all that makes me feel good at morning. When I entered to CIG I was like, “OMG, I don’t  know anybody, what I’ll do?”, it was easy, just in a couple of hours a new girl ask me if I wanted to go outside to recess with her and another girls. It was pretty fine, but then we were only two, the new girl and me. She introduced me another girl, small, short hair, black hair, with braces, bown eyes,etc;  at the beginning I didn’t like this girl, she looked like stuck up, but actually, I was wrong. We started to talk more and be more together. We talked all days, in recess, by BBM, by cell phone, skype, etc. we started to have a good relationship, it was pretty funny. Like all girls, we decided to do a sleepover, “Oh, what a magnificent idea”, just she and me, too funny. When we got to her house, we ate like 4 pizzas each one, damn, what a pigs we are, nah, we don’t care, that’s the way we are. We talked about boys, wait, BOYS! That word scares us, we are always disappoint about boys, it’s really sad how boys are, “they are all the same crap, but with different names”, that´s what my mom says, and I’m agree with her; but I’d realized that there is something more important than boys… damn, no, we girls LOVE boys, but that’s okay, it´s part of life. You know? When I remember all things that I’d been with my new friend, I got a smile, a smile that makes me look stupid, yes, I know, just ridiculous.. but that’s enough, going back to that day, I remember our videos, when I see those videos I laugh OUT LOUD, it´s so funny, it’s so incredible how ridiculous we are in front of a cam.. that day, seeing how she is, her personality; I realized that she is like me!, she likes the things that I like, she loves laugh, she doesn’t care about what people think about her, she is just her; I am like her, I love to smile, laugh, being happy, being ridiculous, and whatever, I’m just me. When we are together, people need to be careful, we are like dynamite, we laugh out loud many times, and we know each other perfectly, I guess. That day wasn’t finish yet, that night was awesome, I guess that it was the night in which I had laughed more in my entire life, we called people, made jokes, laughed, made videos, watched movies, everything. Every memory, every tear, smile, scar, and whatever I have, is a memory and a moment recorded in my heart. I don’t regret anything about my past, I love remember things. Sometimes, life is hard, and when we don’t find an answer, we ask for help, I do it, always, I call my friend and I just say, “I got a problem” and she is listening me whenever I need her. We have like 4 nicknames, and it’s so funny how we are. But, it wasn’t the unique sleepover we had; they had like three or four, all funnies.
She is crazy, it’s really funny when a tell her something and she don’t understand, but 20 seconds later, she get it and laugh, Oh my God, I laughed louder, she is stupid, my pretty stupid girl, that always make me laugh. Oh, I remember my birthday; I was excited at morning to see my friends in the school. When I get there, what a surprise, neither Tefy nor Analu, who were supposed to be my friends, were there, they didn’t went, I was really angry, I asked them if they could went to my house at evening, and they said me that they couldn’t, I was angrier, so I went with Ale to my house, when we got to the house my employed told me “your mom have a surprise for you in your room” –“really?”- I replied; so I got to my bedroom and when I opened the door, Tefy and Analu jumped behind my bed and they shouted “Surpriseeee!”, and my room was amazing, it was with many balloons, and pictures of us in all the bedroom, posters, letters, and over the bed there were stuffed animals, earrings; I almost cried, a few of tears go outside of me and I hugged them and just said them “thank you”, nobody did it for me before. I’m absolutely sure that I have the best friends that someone can have, and I’m really happy with them. She is really funny and always knows how to make me laugh and she is a person who understands me very well and she is like my BEST FRIEND. For that, and many things I love my friend Tefy, and that girl, with many feelings, a beautiful person inside and out, a really funny girls, who is just 15 years old, is going to be one of my best friends for ever, and I’ll be there for her, and share with here the best moments of our life’s.

viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

My life has changed

Ok, so it’s night, I’m sitting, here, in my balcony, just looking to outside, many cars, everybody is doing something today, of course, it’s Friday, how can I be right here writing a blog for my extra credit points? It’s sad, but it’s okay. There are many buildings and lights on, a dark sky, I can see those grays clouds, like a sad day, or it’s sad for me, I don’t know; I’m listening music, I feel how the music makes me feel like in another world. I was listening a nice song, a song that remember me some place, yes, my country, Colombia.
I can’t believe yet where I am! I can remember that warm nights or some days really cold nights in my city; see all those people walking around, without any fair about what will happen to them, there is no risk; I remember those sunsets, with that big and hot specie of circle that is yellow and lights all, they call it sun; I remember those beautiful, white and big clouds giving different forms; when I was a little kid I used to lay down and find many figures in those clouds, OMG, what magnificent sky I can remember, that light blue, occupying around; those beautiful trees planted on the streets and grass; those birds, singing their amazing melodies; those gentile people that ask you how you are and taking care of you, I remember that smell of pure air, like there is no contamination, you feel how the oxygen pass for your nose, and you smell like you are in a paradise; I remember those farmhouses with humble people, people who cares about their country, and culture, people who don’t care about their economic situation, they do all they  can to make a good future and be someone in the life; I remember my family, my dad, grandma, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, school, food, etc. that always make my cry, I miss them. this is like another world, this is not my reality, I don’t belong here, this is not my country, my culture, the food I like, the people I know, the place I want, I don’t feel like I belong here.
It´s really incredible how different are two countries that are not so far, it’s like changing all, I’m not the same person here, I don’t act like the same person who I am in my country. It’s hard, here are many fake people, nobody can understand what I fell, and what is this; they think that is too easy, that is just meet new friends and meet new people, they think it is the same, but it’s not. I guess if someone here goes to another country will feel like I do, or maybe not, I don’t know.
As they are proud of their country, I’m proud of mine, I think that there is any place that can compare with my beautiful country, Colombia. For me it is, for you can be not, but those are my feelings. I remember those trips to “La Costa”, damn, really far, 12 hours in a car, really bored, but who cares? It is the shore!! Beach, parties, everything; there every day is party day. The most thing I like when I’m in the car is look the landscape, those beautiful mountains, the Andes Mountains, those flowers, that you just see it there, an amazing flora and fauna, GOD! I wish I can be there right now. My life has changed, it’s not the same, I want to go to my amazing country, being in the airplane and from above see that wonderful paradise, those rivers, animal, trees, etc. I don’t want to see only buildings, and publish like here; I want to see camp, that’s what I like. I know miss Kelsey maybe understand me, she obviously miss her country and city, she talks a lot about her amazing city, she is proud of Minnesota, and it’s really cool, I’m proud of my country too.
I like Guatemala, it’s nice, but for me, there is no going to be a better country than mine, and better people than the Colombian people.

Miss Kelsey, this is for extra credit  points

lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

a person called "friend"

When i was in sixth grade, the first day of class I was sited behind a good friend, we were talking about how were our vacations and who were the new people, then the teacher said that we had to make groups of tree so a new girl told us if she can join us so I said yes. We started to talk, her name is Geidy, she is 15 years old, I really like her so we had lunch together, after 2 days Valeria, my other friend, was changed of class so it was only Geidy and me.
We started to go out for recess together and talk about all the things that were happening, I was like “Oh my God, she is awesome, she is a really good friend”. We always laughed about everything, we were crazy, but we always had great moments. Right now I have a lot of memories, it was pretty funny, one time we were walking around and in front of us pass a squirrel and we see each other and started to say stupid things I we couldn’t understand each other, and we started to laugh a lot, it was a really funny moment, okay but as I was saying we were always together. In June 2008 another girl entered to the school, Manuela, and she started to talked to us. She was a really nice person and we began to be best friends. We were always together and we had really funny moments, we had sleepovers, we went together to the mall, to restaurants, and many things. After 8 months together in January 2009, the bad news came, Manuela was going to live in another city, it was terrible, Geidy and me were really sad, we tree cried, and she just let us.
Then it was only Geidy and me AGAIN! But who cares? We were still best friends. After Manuela let us I think that Geidy and I began to be more united. We were again in the same classroom and we began like a new stage of life, we changed, we were more united, we were best friends. I can remember that Geidy liked a guy who didn’t likes her, but she was always trying that someday he notice her, one day she did a letter to him, it was really nice, and I gave it to him but he only read it and didn’t say anything, the thing was that she did the letter anonymous and that guy was like “What the hell is this?”, I laughed a lot; they never had a relationship, it was sad but she just moved on. When I remember that I just laugh and I think “what the hell we did? We were crazies”, but that is love, or that’s what she said.
There were many nice guys but we didn’t care, we just wanted to live our life’s, just have fun, laugh always, don´t cry for a unrequited love, we were HAPPY, there wasn´t anything more important than our friendship, I think that that was my best stage of life, I learned many thing from a person who was called my friend, a person who always gave me advices, and supported me, a person who made me laugh always, and if we was studying for a test, it was funny with her. I also remember that when I arrived to my house I had lunch and the first thing I did after lunch, I called her and we talked all the evening, and there was always themes to talk about and thing to laugh about.
When I finished seventh grade my mom sent me to Guatemala to knew it and she said that we must live there together. For Geidy and me was really terrible and a bad new, but those are things in life that can make our future and make it better so I came here to Guatemala and I can say that I miss her too much and when I go to Colombia I visit her and have fun. Sometimes when I remember all this things I cry and I think “I had never met someone like she” she were, is and will be my best friend forever.