viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

My life has changed

Ok, so it’s night, I’m sitting, here, in my balcony, just looking to outside, many cars, everybody is doing something today, of course, it’s Friday, how can I be right here writing a blog for my extra credit points? It’s sad, but it’s okay. There are many buildings and lights on, a dark sky, I can see those grays clouds, like a sad day, or it’s sad for me, I don’t know; I’m listening music, I feel how the music makes me feel like in another world. I was listening a nice song, a song that remember me some place, yes, my country, Colombia.
I can’t believe yet where I am! I can remember that warm nights or some days really cold nights in my city; see all those people walking around, without any fair about what will happen to them, there is no risk; I remember those sunsets, with that big and hot specie of circle that is yellow and lights all, they call it sun; I remember those beautiful, white and big clouds giving different forms; when I was a little kid I used to lay down and find many figures in those clouds, OMG, what magnificent sky I can remember, that light blue, occupying around; those beautiful trees planted on the streets and grass; those birds, singing their amazing melodies; those gentile people that ask you how you are and taking care of you, I remember that smell of pure air, like there is no contamination, you feel how the oxygen pass for your nose, and you smell like you are in a paradise; I remember those farmhouses with humble people, people who cares about their country, and culture, people who don’t care about their economic situation, they do all they  can to make a good future and be someone in the life; I remember my family, my dad, grandma, cousins, aunts, uncles, friends, school, food, etc. that always make my cry, I miss them. this is like another world, this is not my reality, I don’t belong here, this is not my country, my culture, the food I like, the people I know, the place I want, I don’t feel like I belong here.
It´s really incredible how different are two countries that are not so far, it’s like changing all, I’m not the same person here, I don’t act like the same person who I am in my country. It’s hard, here are many fake people, nobody can understand what I fell, and what is this; they think that is too easy, that is just meet new friends and meet new people, they think it is the same, but it’s not. I guess if someone here goes to another country will feel like I do, or maybe not, I don’t know.
As they are proud of their country, I’m proud of mine, I think that there is any place that can compare with my beautiful country, Colombia. For me it is, for you can be not, but those are my feelings. I remember those trips to “La Costa”, damn, really far, 12 hours in a car, really bored, but who cares? It is the shore!! Beach, parties, everything; there every day is party day. The most thing I like when I’m in the car is look the landscape, those beautiful mountains, the Andes Mountains, those flowers, that you just see it there, an amazing flora and fauna, GOD! I wish I can be there right now. My life has changed, it’s not the same, I want to go to my amazing country, being in the airplane and from above see that wonderful paradise, those rivers, animal, trees, etc. I don’t want to see only buildings, and publish like here; I want to see camp, that’s what I like. I know miss Kelsey maybe understand me, she obviously miss her country and city, she talks a lot about her amazing city, she is proud of Minnesota, and it’s really cool, I’m proud of my country too.
I like Guatemala, it’s nice, but for me, there is no going to be a better country than mine, and better people than the Colombian people.

Miss Kelsey, this is for extra credit  points

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