Here is cold, well, i should say TOO cold. I feel my skin like goose bumps, with those species of mini balls, that make you think that are pimples, and you pass your hand for your skin and it feels like your skin is rough, I hate that. I feel how the wind comes to me, and I give me chills. I feel sick, this is a boring day, it’s raining, I cannot go outside, the street is wet; I can hear the sound of the cars crossing the street and how the water splash. Fortunately the people inside the car are not wet, but if you think, there are people outside who are getting wet, people who have not houses, people who have not blankets or clothes or a jacket, it’s so sad. There are also animals getting wet, wishing being inside a house, or with a family or farm.
There are many people who are on the streets, asking for food or selling things at the light to make money, they do not have a place to go there, they are alone while I can use all the blankets and jackets, or whatever I want. There are people who are getting sick because of the rain and the cold. Also there are people in the warm parts of the country who are “taking a shower” and they are happy because they have WATER, they can drink it and they are happy for it. I wish that that sun rose. I love those sunny days in which some people are happy, but not a HOT sun, no, a warm sun, just like a spring day in which there are flowers growing, happy animals, happy people, trees making fruits, funny days, without a rainy day and a hot day.
Actually, I like the sunny days in which I can go to the beach. I LOVE the beach! I love to go there with my family or friends. I love to feel the waves and they wet my feet; I love the sound when the waves hit the shore; I love when the sand gets between my toes, and fingers; I love to write or draw on the sand; I love to see the sunsets from the shore; I love those warm nights; I love the beach. the thing that I hate about beach is to sunburn and get red like a tomato but the worst is to flaking, I HATE that, you look like you are a snake or something with skin darker or skinner, and it looks like there are species of white things shedding from the skin. But in those sunny days I feel happy, is like in another world, a happy world, a funny world. I love when I play games in the beach I and see all my family smiling or happy. Oh, I forgot something, what do you think about those bonfires in the beach? God, it’s AMAZING, and you bring a package of marshmallows, and you put a stick inside the marshmallow, and you put it at the fire and when it is melted and hot you eat it! Yummy, I wish I could eat one right now!
Okay, so talking about weathers I think the preferred is when you are in the snow. I love the snow, I love to lie down on the snow and make angels with your arms and legs or better, make a SNOW MAN! Make those big balls of snow and make that funny snow man with bottoms for the eyes, sticks for the arms and a carrot for the nose. I like also to make little balls of snow and throw it to my friend and make a now war, it is pretty funny. But it is boring how cold it is. It’s terrible when your fingers, legs or a part of your body become numb and you are like you cannot move your fingers, it is horrible. The worst part about the weathers is that when there is a change I get sick and I need to take medicines, and I hate it. But all the weathers have the good and the bad part, and spite of the illness and disconformity I always enjoy it.
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